The wolf and elephant corpse

The Elephant and wolf

           A wolf United Nations agency couldn't realize any food for whole day.Until he reached a deep forest, he met a giant swollen elephant clay in an exceedingly grove forest.

When wolf saw such a giant elephant clay, he was terribly happy. He thought that this elephant I may eat for four or five days a minimum of.Wolf walked round the elephant clay and thought, I shall eat within limb initial then meat.
          Once prepared thinking, wolf began to tear ass hole of elephant clay and got into abdomen; then quietly Greek deity the within limb.
          As for,when elephant clay was heated by sunshine, its skin began to be firm and difficult, therefore its ass hole opened as a giant hole. After that ,there was an important rain that created the skin of elephant ass hole drooping to shut the outlet.Wolf stayed within the elephant abdomen and will not realize the solution. He was unbreathable and suffer within the elephant abdomen for few days. Wolf nearly died in there.
         Till sunshine, the skin of elephant clay made up our minds once more, that the elephant ass hole opened. once wolf saw the solution, he fast locomotion out jubilantly.

    Please also read the legend : "The Sun and The Rain"

        The legend of Wolf needs to mention that :
             Wolf is compared to a greedy person who does something unconsciously and does not thoroughly.
            Wolf is like a greedy person who eats unthinkingly or like a person who looks for benefit and when meet it the greedy more increase until cannot back down. It is the same to wolf in this legend.
The wolf and elephant corpse The wolf and elephant corpse Reviewed by 1 on 10:32:00 PM Rating: 5

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